Future Trends and Innovations in Employee Engagement

Contact us to learn how Swag Hut can help you boost employee engagement!
Brenda B.
October 2, 2024
Table of Contents

    The world of employee engagement and branded merchandise is always changing. To stay ahead, companies need to keep an eye on new trends and use the latest tech and data analytics. Let's dive into some of the exciting future trends and innovations in this space.

    What’s Trending in Employee Engagement and Branded Merchandise

    Remote Work and Distributed Teams

    With remote work on the rise, creating virtual engagement experiences is becoming more important. Companies are finding ways to send branded goodies straight to their remote employees to make them feel connected.

    Did you know? In 2023, 44% of workers in the UK work remotely at least some of the time, with 28% working in a hybrid model and 16% fully remote​ (StandOut CV)​. In Ireland, 75% of respondents indicated that their employer has a remote or hybrid working policy, showcasing the growing need for virtual engagement strategies​ (Western Development Commission)​.

    Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Merchandise

    As people become more eco-conscious, there’s a shift towards sustainable branded merchandise. Companies are choosing eco-friendly materials and products to align with their green goals.

    Interesting stat: 81% of people worldwide think companies should do their bit in helping to improve the environment. (A Nielson report)

    Employee Wellbeing and Health

    There’s a big focus on employee wellbeing, driving the popularity of wellness-related merchandise. Think wearable tech, wellness kits, and mental health resources.

    Post-pandemic trend: A survey by Mercer found that 76% of employers boosted their wellbeing programmes in response to COVID-19.

    Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

    VR and AR are being used to create cool, immersive experiences around branded merchandise. Employees can interact with items virtually, making the experience more engaging and memorable.

    Market watch: The AR market in Ireland is expected to hit €197.6 million in revenue by 2029, with the UK expecting to hit £1,608 million. (Data collected from Statista.)

    Diversity and Inclusion

    Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace is more than just a trend—it's a vital part of modern corporate culture. Branded merchandise is being used to celebrate diversity, support inclusion initiatives, and create a sense of belonging among employees.

    Interesting insight: Companies that actively support diversity and inclusion initiatives see a 30% increase in employee engagement. (According to a study by Deloitte)

    Company Brand Ambassadors

    Turning employees into brand ambassadors is becoming a key strategy for companies looking to enhance their brand presence. By equipping employees with branded merchandise, companies can boost morale, foster loyalty, and create organic brand advocates who proudly represent the company both inside and outside of work.

    Did you know? Employee brand ambassadors are 27% more likely to have a positive impact on customer satisfaction and 20% more likely to stay at the company longer. (Based on research from Gallup)

    How Technology and Data Are Changing the Game

    Merchandise Portals

    Online merchandise portals let employees pick their favourite items, track orders, and give feedback. It’s all about making the process easier and more interactive.

    Predictive Analytics

    Companies are using predictive analytics to figure out what employees need and want. This way, they can offer the right merchandise at the right time.

    Tech tip: 48% of organisations are already using or planning to use predictive analytics, according to a report by Dresner Advisory Services.

    Blockchain for Ethical Sourcing

    Blockchain is helping create transparent supply chains, ensuring that branded merchandise is ethically sourced. Employees can even trace where their products come from.

    Innovation alert: Big names like IBM are using blockchain to track product origins.

    AI-Powered Personalisation

    AI is making it possible to personalise branded merchandise on a large scale. By analysing employee data, AI can offer personalised recommendations.

    Market growth: The AI in marketing market is set to grow globally from $6.7 billion in 2018 to $40.1 billion by 2025. (Data provided by MarketsandMarkets.)

    AR Merchandise Try-Ons

    AR technology lets employees virtually try on branded merchandise before choosing, making online shopping more fun and interactive.

    Growth spurt: The AR market in e-commerce is expected to grow at a staggering CAGR rate of 151.93% from 2021 to 2026, as reported by Mordor Intelligence.

    As employee engagement keeps evolving, companies that keep up with these trends and use the latest tech and data can create awesome and effective strategies. This not only makes employees happier but also boosts loyalty.

    The future of employee engagement and branded merch is looking super exciting and full of possibilities!

    Previous Blog > Navigating Challenges: Pitfalls to Dodge in Your Employee Engagement Programme

    Next Blog > Wrapping Up Our Series on Employee Engagement with Branded Merchandise

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